Are you facing a dearth of energy and facing erectile dysfunction during sexual activity? Well, there are a number of supplements supplied by the herbal sexual enhancement industry which can serve your purpose. But, the important question is whether to use them or not. Better you know about the side effects in detail.
What causes erectile dysfunction?
Erectile dysfunction is said to be a symptom and not a condition. The erection is a result of stimuli when the multisystem process of man’s body occurs and some interaction occurs between the body, nervous system, hormones, muscles, and finally the emotions. Well, the dysfunction may be a result of psychological or physical, which depends mainly on the situation.
What are the various treatment options?
While treating erectile dysfunction, identifying the underlying condition is a prerequisite. This is known as the first step while treating the condition, and the doctor may suggest various treatments if the ED continues.
- Injections or medicine prescriptions to be used
- Suppository for the penis to be used
- Replacement of testosterone could be done
- A penis pump could be applied by a vacuum erection device.
- A penile implant to be done
- Surgery for the blood vessel to be applied
Apart from all these, there are some lifestyle treatments that can be applied to the patient.
- Counselling of sexual anxiety condition
- Psychological counselling by an expert
- Maintaining a healthy weight is a necessary
- Alcohol and tobacco usage is to be reduced to a great level
There can be some alternative medicines or maybe some herbal supplements that claim to have sexual potency and very minute side effects. It’s better to talk to doctors while you are taking alternative medicines as they sometimes interact with alcohol or other allied conditions. The various alternatives are:
- Chinese and Korean herb: Panax Ginseng is a Korean herb that was discovered almost 2,000 years ago which is prescribed for longevity and health. Some people take the roots of ginseng for treatment to ED. When clinically studied, they show some improvement in the case of penile rigidity, duration of erection, girth, improved libido, and overall satisfaction.
- Maca, the vegetable root of Peru: Maca can be a great addition to your diet, and it’s rich in magnesium, iodine, iron, and amino acids. The three types of Maca are yellow, black, and red. Black Maca is known to improve stress and memory. Some studies reveal that the roots may have a placebo effect. Some researchers say that eating Maca has no effect on the hormone level.
- West African tree bark: Yohimbine acquired from the roots of African trees is used to treat erectile dysfunction for the last 70 years. This medicine helps in treating
- Activating penile nerves
- Widening the blood vessels and increase in blood flow of the penis
- Stimulating the pelvic nerve and boosting adrenaline supply
- Increase in sexual desire
- Prolonging erection
- Roots from African plant: Mondia whitei, also known as white’s ginger are a popular medicine in Uganda that increases sperm count in males. The M. Whitei is similar to Viagra that accomplishes the following:
- Increasing sexual desire
- Increasing human sperm motility
- Increase in testosterone level
- Increase in potency and sexual pleasure
- Herb from Chinese tree: Ginkgo biloba, a Chinese herb is used to increase the flow of blood to the penis. They act as an improving agent for men who are using antidepressant medication. Ginkgo biloba is useful for improving ED in those men who are suffering from ED due to medication. This is taken more as an improvement to ED rather than a cure.
What are the potential risks and side effects?
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) hasn’t approved any of the herbs for medical treatment. The drugs might be coming from other countries and might contain contamination. These herbs are not very much well studied and the harmful content it might have is never advertised. So, before buying you might actually consult the doctor and then decide the intake.
- It decreases the blood supply to the heart and increases the heartbeat.
- The supplements could be detrimental as they are undisclosed material.
- The hidden ingredients can cause life-threatening conditions.
So, looks like after having known all the effects of consuming herbal supplements, you better consult a doctor who can rightly guide you if having such can help you improve ED without any potential damage.