The desire to improve sexual performance leads young people from 20 to 35 years of age to use drugs for erectile dysfunction in an irregular way, that is, without a specialist’s indication. This is what new research conducted at the sexuality outpatient clinic of the Reference Centre for Men’s Health points out, the largest public urology service in the state.
Curiosity, the desire to improve sexual performance and the fear of failing at the “hour H” make healthy men turn to sexual stimulants.
The unit serves more than 300 men a month with sexual problems and about 20% of that total, claims to have used sexual stimulants at least once, without a prescription. At the time of the consultation, the explanations are always the same: curiosity, a desire to improve sexual performance and, of course, the fear of failing at “hour H”.
However, physician of the hospital’s urology service, explains that the pills do not show results for most men. The medication is not instantaneous and much less magical, as patients believe. If the individual is already healthy, his penis will not become even more rigid after consumption. Therefore, there will be no change in performance.
The doctor warns that sexual stimulants can cause headaches and muscle, diarrhoea, allergies, double vision and, in more severe cases, even blindness. Cardiopathic patients also cannot take this type of medication, considered a vasodilator, mainly without medical supervision. Only the specialist can diagnose the need for use and, also, the best method, according to criteria such as age, family history and financial condition.
Side effects are dangerous, but there is still a risk of psychological dependence. The man starts to overestimate the drug and links his own sexual performance to the use of the medicine. This attitude generates a high degree of anxiety and the patient is afraid of not having more satisfactory relationships if he does not have the help of medication.
The practice of physical activity is a healthy and effective way to improve performance during sex, according to doctors. Some Male Enhancement Products also improve performance during sex. Exercises contribute to physical conditioning, improve blood circulation, and increase resistance by working on the chest, shoulders, arms and legs, in addition to raising self-esteem.
Learn about other important attitudes to maintain an active sex life:
Protect your body: Use condoms during sexual intercourse, avoiding contact with sexually transmitted diseases. Be sure to visit the doctor at least once a year for a check-up and preventive exams.
Talk about sex: Have a good dialogue with your partner, as trust is important for sex to fully satisfy the couple.
Prepare the environment: Psychological pressure and day-to-day problems can hinder performance. Therefore, it is important to choose the ideal place and time for the relationship.
Forget the myths: According to studies, the average time of a relationship is 15 to 20 minutes. Knowing this is one of the first steps for the couple to reduce their own expectations.